The 508-acre Lowry Landfill site is located near the intersection of Quincy Avenue and Gun Club Road in Arapahoe County, 15 miles southeast of downtown Denver. >> More
By law, the EPA is required to conduct mandatory five-year reviews to ensure all containment activities are working as designed and to issue a finding if the remedy is “protective of human health and the environment.” >> More
Site containment efforts at the Lowry Landfill Superfund Site are fully transparent. Book a site tour to learn more. >> More
The cleanup and containment plan was designed to safeguard the community by preventing the spread of any material beyond the Superfund site.
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The Lowry team is constantly looking for ways to protect the community and environment with the most advanced technologies.
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Progress at Lowry
Industrial waste disposal at the Lowry Landfill ended forty years ago. Because waste will remain at the site, by law the EPA is required to conduct mandatory five-year reviews to ensure all containment activities are working as designed and to issue a finding that the remedy is “protective of human health and the environment.”
In the 2007 and 2012 Five-Year Reviews (FYR), the EPA found the remedy was “functioning as intended” and “protective of human health and the environment.” In the 2017 FYR review, the EPA requested more information and data to determine protectiveness on nine specific items. Those issues were resolved, and the EPA issued an addendum to the 2017 FYR in the summer of 2021 stating that the remedies at the site protect human health and the environment and there is no evidence of risk to the public from contamination at Lowry Landfill.
Further, in the summer of 2020, EPA published a 1,4 dioxane risk summary in collaboration with the Colorado Department of Health and Environment (CDPHE), which states that “there is no significant exposure/risk from the concentrations detected, even under (these) highly conservative, unlikely, and hypothetical exposure scenarios.”
In February 2021, EPA published an amendment to the 2017 FYR finding the remedy to be short-term protective, further corroborating its findings that there is no public health risk associated with the site.
Frequently Asked Questions
Lowry Landfill – By the Numbers
Key Contacts
Lowry Landfill
Jennifer Webster
Media Contact
(303) 916-1694
City & County of Denver
Joe Donlon
Senior Environmental Public Health Analyst
Department of Public Health & Environment
101 W Colfax Avenue, Suite 800
Denver, CO 80202
(720) 865-5412
Waste Management of Colorado, Inc. and Chemical Waste Management, Inc.
Steven Richtel
Area Director
2400 West Union Ave.
Englewood, CO 80110
(303) 475-3858
Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment
Hazardous Materials and Waste Management Division
Records Center
4300 Cherry Creek Drive South
Building B, West
Denver, CO 80246
(303) 692-3331
US Environmental Protection Agency
Valerie Doornbos
Public Affairs Specialist & Community Involvement Coordinator
Office of Public Affairs
U.S. EPA Region 8 | Denver, CO
(720) 786-7292
Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment
Jeannine Natterman
Community Involvement Specialist
4300 Cherry Creek Drive South
Denver, CO 80246
(303) 692-3303
Arapahoe County Public Health
Lynn Robbio Wagner
Senior Solid & Hazardous Waste Specialist
Division of Health Protection and Response
6162 S. Willow Drive, Suite 100
Greenwood Village, CO 80111
(303) 734-5429